** Note: All Certification application documents are to be sent to CIPS National and not to CIPS Saskatchewan **

CIPS Saskatchewan
Box 20073
Cornwall Center RPO
Regina , SK ,  S4P 4J7



CIPS National Office
1375 Southdown Road
Unit 16 – Suite 802
Mississauga, Ontario
L5J 2Z1



Toll Free: 1-877-ASK-CIPS (275-2477)

By working with CIPS, I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to develop/enhance skills such as project management, public speaking, working with volunteers, interviewing techniques, assisting others in their roles, learning nuances of dealing with government, interacting with other CIPS sections as well as CIPS National. These were all very beneficial to me personally as well as in my career. Through networking I met many very interesting, knowledgeable and dedicated individuals. One of the best benefits of CIPS is meeting, learning and sharing experiences with other people.”

– Beverley Gooding I.S.P. (ret.)
Registrar, CIPS Saskatchewan