11:30 am – Registration and Buffet Lunch

 1:00 pm – Adjournment

CIPS SK Regina March 11 2020

Speaker:  Joanne Klein

Joanne Klein is the founder of NexNovus, an Office 365 Consulting company, and a 3-time Microsoft MVP in Office Apps & Services. What that really means is she spends her time working with customers on Office 365 collaboration tools and services, specifically SharePoint, and sharing her knowledge with the larger technical community. 

One of her SharePoint specialties is site and information architecture since she believes it to be the critical underpinning to any great SharePoint environment (so much so that she wrote an eBook about it!). 

Another area of focus for Joanne is the Office 365 suite of tools built to help organizations protect and retain their unstructured content now being produced at an exponential rate. This is an important shift for organizations and their information workers to make in a modern workplace. She has substantial practical experience in Office 365 working with customers to help them make this shift. 

Joanne blogs about these areas of focus and more at JoanneCKlein.com


Topic: Microsoft Teams and the Modern Workplace

Organizations today need to embrace the modern workplace to stay competitive, decrease their time to market, decrease their time to problem resolution, increase the speed and have better quality decision-making, and to attract and retain staff. How we work in our personal lives is starting to transcend the workplace, however we still need to ensure our corporate data is secured, protected and meeting our regulatory obligations while doing so. Microsoft Teams is the Hub for Teamwork in Office 365 and its use is exploding across the globe as organizations embrace the modern way of getting work done.  

Join Joanne Klein, a 3-time Microsoft MVP, as she delves into Microsoft Teams to give a glimpse of its features, its underlying architecture, and what’s in it for the modern worker and the data protection, data retention, and legal/compliance teams across your organization.



Innovation Place, 6 Research Drive

Larry Spannier Boardroom, Main floor

Guest parking is metered which is $1.50/hr 

Our thanks to Innovation Place for their venue sponsorship!

Registration Closes: March 4th, 2020 @ 5 pm CT


Register Today!


CIPS SK Regina March 11 Lunch Event: “Microsoft Teams and the Modern Workplace”

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